Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day One - 151.2 lbs

I currently weigh in at 151.2 lbs. standing at 5'1" and I feel way waaaaay out of shape. Up until exactly two weeks ago (which was the night of Fat Tuesday) I was a habitual drinker -- not quite a drunk, but when that clock read five I was usually fixin to make a drink and that would go on for a few hours until I had either run out of ice or good songs on my itunes shuffle. And when you're drinkin', and especially when you've got a bloke who also is drinkin', you tend to eat the most god awful things right before  passing out for the night. 

Ofcourse, I blamed my extra weight on all the booze and bad late-night cheeze-covered decisions but after these two weeks of not drinking, and eating light, early dinners, I have not lost a single pound. In fact, I've managed to gain 3. So, obviously, I need to step my game up. Ugh. Exercise.

Being that I nearly threw my back out trying to unravel a garden hose the other day, I will have to start my workout routine with baby steps. No jumping directly into Bikram yoga, only to have to abandon the sweltering hot room to catch my breath which is super embarrassing for an Indian woman like myself.

Throughout the day, I have been doing what many trainers believe to be the best core strengthening pose, the plank. You can even do it on your bed, which I feel, adds an extra bit of difficulty to it as you try to keep your balance. I hold this plank for just about as long as I can, or until my muscles start to quiver too much. I then relax, breathe deeply for a few seconds and hold the plank again. You can do this for a few minutes right before going to sleep or right after waking up. 

I've always hated running, but it seems to be one of the best ways to slim down. Also, it is free. So, tomorrow morning, I will get my jog on. Who knows how fast/slow and near/far I will go, but I have to do it. I will wear the most comfortable shoes I own, some old sweatpants and a hoodie. 

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